Saturday, July 9, 2011

Good thing I like Japanese food...

And not just because I'm going to Japan!

Last Friday night I got together with my friends that are from my old Foothill Japanese classes and their (now mine too) friends. We ate at Athena Grill in Santa Clara. I got the Lamb Souvláki Plate, and it was very tasty. The Greek (garlic) fries and all the hummus and sauces that came with it were also immensely enjoyable. I recommend the place.

My Lamb Souvláki Plate.

Free bread and pita with hummus. Very nice.

On to Japanese food!

The very next night I met up in San Jose with a lot of my friends from my hometown. We ate at this delicious Japanese food place; Unfortunately, I don't remember the name.

This is called the Love Boat. My friend's wife felt spurned when her husband refused to get one with her, then a minute later turned around and ordered one with another friend! I was gonna get sashimi anyway, so I ordered the Love Boat with her. It was extremely tasty.

Unfortunately, I am horrible with food reviews. I wish I could write up page-long descriptions about the food's texture and freshness and other stuff, but for me it's either good or not good. If I like it I will describe it as either delicious, tasty, or yummy; so if you just see those three adjectives every time I do a food review, please don't hate me.

Sunday I went back to San Jose (I really should just move there) to go to the SJ Japantown farmer's market with a couple of friends. The market ended up being a little smaller than we anticipated, and we ended up seeing everything in about five minutes, whoops!

I bought three organic peaches for a dollar. Not bad. The first one I had at home was amazing, and the second one was completely flavorless; I'm still holding out for the third one.

After our tiring five minute excursion we ate some しゃぶしゃぶ(Shabu-Shabu). For those of you that don't know what Shabu-Shabu is, you get a plate of raw veggies and a plate of raw meat, then you boil them yourself using the pot of hot water that is at every table.

It was...wait for it...very tasty/delicious/yummy. Seriously though, all four of the meals and places that I have/will mention in this post were FANTASTIC and I highly recommend them all.

Classic plate of veggies.

Plate o' meat (soooooo good).

An overview of the whole set up. You can see the pot of water boiling in the middle of our table, with some veggies cooking in it. You also get various dipping sauces, each complementing the food differently.

Fast forward five days and that brings us to today. Today, for lunch, I met up with my Japanese language partner.  I don't know the restaurants around her area very well, so I asked where she wanted to go. She chose a Japanese place named Sumika, which she had been to once before.

The place was packed, and it was like 90% Asian people, so you knew it was gonna be good. There lunch menu was surprisingly short: It offered around 5-6 things, 4-5 of them being different types of 丼(Don). I had the 親子丼 (Oyako-don). Don, or Donburi, is basically just a bowl or rice with stuff on top of it. Oyako-don is specifically cut-up chicken and egg over rice.

**The More You Know**: The first Kanji in Oyakodon is 親, pronounced oya. That means parent. The second Kanji is 子, pronounced ko. That means child. So Oyako-don is parent and child over rice, because it is chicken and egg together. Kinda funny and gross, huh? I can't wait to go to Japan and order a scrumptious bowl of parents and children.

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